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VR Interactable Development Tool

The tool works by tracking the VR grabbed object and moving the blueprint in the desired way. This code solves for Ue4's gimbal lock, and ensures stability at all orientations and directions.

The tool works by tracking the VR grabbed object and moving the blueprint in the desired way. This code solves for Ue4's gimbal lock, and ensures stability at all orientations and directions.

Examples of blueprints within the puzzle sequence utilizing the tool

The direction and movement type are changeable through custom public variables. By editing these for each use-case, new interactive environment features can be developed quickly and efficiently. Any updates made to the parent also affect its children.

VR Interactable Development Tool

Unreal Engine 4.27 utilizes the OpenXR input plugin. A "grab component" can be added to any object to make it hold-able in VR. However, making something moveable that's anchored to the environment comes with all sorts of challenges. I developed this tool to use when creating environmental interactions for the game Stroke of Magic. Being a puzzle game, the environment is full of interactable elements with their own special movement needs. This tool solves that problem with a wide array of options, including range limitations, selectable axes, and a customizable grab-hitbox.